
Thursday, 14 February 2019

Health benefits of being in love

The heart is one of the most conspicuous symbols of love, and perhaps it is unsurprising that love is associated both literally and figuratively with one the most important organs in the human body.

The health benefits of love may surprise you - love can keep you healthy mentally, physically, socially and spiritually too.

This is good news for people who spend time in loving environments and what’s most important is that it’s not just the physical side from which you can benefit– just being in love is enough. 

Faster healing

Researchers found that wounds heal faster in people who are in a loving relationship. According to the study, the blister wounds healed nearly twice as fast in couples who were happy and calm compared to those who appeared hostile or depressed.
Researchers also found that people who are in love are less likely to get sick by the viruses of cold and flu.

Live longer

Lack of love causes social isolation which increases the risk of early death by up to five times. A study confirmed that married people live longer because they feel loved and connected as oppose to the isolated ones. Since 1979, the National Longitudinal Mortality Study has been studying more than a million subjects and found that unmarried people are being outlived by the married ones.
Another study found that married people have shorter average hospital stays and fewer doctor's visits. Researchers believe that this is due to the fact that people in good relationships take better care of themselves. Also, marriage contributes to a decline in drug abuse and heavy drinking, especially among young adults.

It Boosts Immunity
While you might think that cuddling with your significant other (or close friends) would increase your chances of getting sick, those hugs seem to trigger your body’s built-in defenses to germs. In research from carnegie Mellon University, people who reported hugging others more often experienced less severe cold symptoms than their less-cuddly peers.
Those who have a loving support system also tend to recover more quickly from an illness. 

Reduces pain

Love results in more activation in the part of the brain that keeps pain under control. A study of 127,000 adults confirmed that married people were less likely to complain of headaches and back pain. The happier the marriage, the greater the effect.
The reduced stress level also leads to pain relief, especially if you suffer from things such as chronic headaches.

Reduces stress

Love can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels. When in an intimate relationship, the adrenaline glands produce dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) hormone that acts as a stress buster. A passionate relationship relieves tension, reduces negative energy and produces a sense of well being. Furthermore, the support of someone who loves you can help you cope better when you are facing a stressor.

Promotes mental health

The calming effect of dehydroepiandrosterone over the mind and body raises the growth of nerves. It is also helpful in restoring the growth of nerves which results in an improved memory recall.

Love helps combat diseases

What’s better than being in love with your partner to help combat deadly diseases? Studies have shown that being in love can help combat asthma, arthritis, hay fever, nasal congestion and even a headache.

“A strong romantic support system protects the body from developing high levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone.This helps to protect from various diseases including cardiovascular diseases such as strokes, high blood pressure and ischaemic heart disease - three of the most deadly diseases,” says Professor Snyman.

Reduces Depression

Falling in love, getting married and maintaining healthy relationships, as well as friendships, have been shown to reduce the feelings of isolation and depression in both males and females while simultaneously increasing the sense of belonging and happiness.   

Health Lungs 
It’s not just your heart that benefits from being in love. Being married can help protect against complications and death from pneumonia. Compared to unmarried men and women, married people are less likely to require ventilator support via a breathing machine, have shorter hospital stays, are less likely to end up in an intensive care unit and have 13 percent lower risk of dying during hospitalization for pneumonia.

Reduced risk of heart diseases

Expressing your feelings of affection can reduce cholesterol levels. Human Communication Research found that people who expressed their feelings of affection for significant friends, relatives, and/or romantic partners had significantly lower cholesterol levels than those that didn't.
Lower cholesterol levels result in reduced chances of a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Forever young

Dehydroepiandrosterone also acts as an 'anti-aging' hormone, which produces feelings of youth and vitality. Adding to that, the increase blood flow to the skin due to the endorphins produced by the body when in love, helps keep it soft and smooth, and reduce the development of wrinkles.

Love is much more than just genes, chemicals and hormones. So if you are a person who is very much conscious about health and wellness, learn to love deeply and sincerely. If you want to live longer then learn to love harder!

Love Improve self confidence

People in healthy relationships tend to be more confident in all areas of their life. It has been proven that getting married and staying married reduces depression in both men and women.

Love improve self confidence 

“Having a positive self-esteem comes from being validated and receiving affirmation that you have worth. With improved self-esteem, people in love are often more capable of achieving and maintaining their professional and personal goals in life,”  says Professor Snyman.

Betters Your Sleep

Because loving relationships lead to less stress, you are more likely to sleep well and feel refreshed when you wake in the morning. Tensions are eased when you feel loved and supported and evidence suggests that happily married couples are 10% more likely to have a more restful sleep.  

         Love ease anxiety
Quite a few studies have pointed to ways that loneliness can hurt your health, from increasing inflammation to activating pain centers. “The feeling of loneliness stimulates anxiety, which is mediated by different neurotransmitters, like norepinephrine,” Riess says. “Also, cortisol and adrenaline levels rise when people feel insecure and threatened,” which triggers your body’s stress response. Being in love and feeling close to another person can mitigate anxiety.
Love improve mental wellbeing

We all know that being in love makes people feel overjoyed, but it's not just in our heads. People in love generally have increased energy, which makes them excited to discover new adventures and different hobbies.

“Loving and being loved helps to vaccinate you against anxiety. When you are in love the brain produces a chemical called dopamine, a feel-good stimulant that is responsible for feelings of bliss, optimism and patience,” says Professor Snyman.

“Infatuated people also produce a surplus of a chemical called oxytocin, the bonding hormone. This endorphin spreads a warm, internal flutter throughout the body when it is released during touch or physical intimacy,” he adds

Love can make you slim

It is very common for people to lose weight when they start dating somebody. “Being in love causes your body to pump out a neurotransmitter called adrenaline, which acts as an appetite suppressant,” says Professor Snyman.

“Since all that adrenaline is keeping you alert, you are less likely to have late night food cravings or feel the need to nibble when you aren't really hungry, which helps avoid putting on extra weight. Also, chances are that being in love will get you motivated to exercise more to look and feel your best for your partner,” he continues.

May help reduce risk of prostrate cancer 

One of the many sex benefits for men is that, even though there is no cure for prostate cancer, you can definitely lessen the chances of getting it! A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found men who ejaculated recurrently (about 21 times per month) were less likely to be prone to prostate cancer.

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