Have you ever thought of why you show little or no interest in relationship? or why you are so comfortable in your single state without worrying about it at all with a reasonable reason why you prefer it that way? . If so you are likely meant to be single except you decide to go into it, to have a taste of it, if you can actually cope with it.
You fell like you are not supposed to be in a relationship
Contrary to what your friends, family or society might say, if you're happy being single, that's awesome. "There are some people, many of them women, who do have a sense that they should be single," psychologist, image consultant and dating expert Dr. Jennifer Rhodes says, If that describes you, embrace it.
"We live in a beautiful time where men and women have the luxury of choice, and staying single is no longer considered abnormal," Rhodes says. "[Being single is] meant to be if that person feels at peace, has lots of connections through friends and family and is fulfilled," she says. If you can check all three off your list, you're good to go.
You have high avoidance goals
For people who absolutely cannot deal with disagreements, being single just may be their happy place. Although modern society and a social media-obsessed culture often dubs people in relationships happier than those not in relationships, some research begs to differ. In a study published in Social Psychological & Personality Science, researchers evaluated the connection between being happy, or unhappy, and relationship status.
The study found that single people who had high-avoidance goals, meaning they are most concerned with preventing relationship conflict and disagreements, were just as happy as those who were in a relationship. On the flip side, people with a lot of approach goals, meaning they strive to enhance relationship closeness, experienced greater life satisfaction, and were particularly happy when they were in a relationship.
You are happy
There is only one way to predict if you are meant to be single, life coach Kali Rogers says "If you are happy being single." If that's the case, and you don't feel like being with anyone, then you're a single kind of gal. "If you're happy, then there's no reason to push yourself to be in a relationship just because society expects it," she says. "Happiness is not a one size fits all, and can only be measured by the person experiencing it," Rogers says. "So if being single makes you happy, stay single! That's all there is to it." Simple.
You just feel like you are supposed to be single
Contrary to what your friends, family or society might say, if you're happy being single, that's awesome. "There are some people, many of them women, who do have a sense that they should be single,"psychologist, image consultant and dating expert Dr. Jennifer Rhodes says, If that describes you, embrace it. "We live in a beautiful time where men and women have the luxury of choice, and staying single is no longer considered abnormal," Rhodes says. "[Being single is] meant to be if that person feels at peace, has lots of connections through friends and family and is fulfilled," she says. If you can check all three off your list, you're good to go.
You enjoy being single
If you're happy and have a fulfilling life, Dr. Ramani Durvasula, author of Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving a Relationship With A Narcissist , says if you're single and have no goal of getting into a relationship, that's great. A lot of times, people feel like they "should" get into a relationship instead of actually wanting to, she says. That doesn't have to be the story of your life, though.
If you're happy and have a fulfilling life, Dr. Ramani Durvasula, author of Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving a Relationship With A Narcissist , says if you're single and have no goal of getting into a relationship, that's great. A lot of times, people feel like they "should" get into a relationship instead of actually wanting to, she says. That doesn't have to be the story of your life, though.
"Being single is not societally dismissed or blasphemed as it once was," she says. "There are certainly temperaments that are better suited to being alone — some people are more solitary by nature, and may enjoy companionship from time to time, but actually prefer the rhythms of being single." Maybe you just like the way things are, and you don't want to change them.
"Some people are just better at solitary and in fact may even prefer it," she says. "Listen to yourself. Getting into a relationship because you feel like the world expects you to — but you don't want it — is not fair to either yourself or the other. Some people like life the way they like it — they may prefer order in their environment, a certain pace of life, travel or move about frequently, and do not want to make room for someone else on a consistent basis." If this is you, that's totally cool. So be it
You don't wish you were in a relationship
If you're itchy for a partner, then you're probably not meant to be single,psychologist, author and speaker Karin Anderson Abrell, But if this is not you — if you are, in fact, happiest solo — then perhaps you are supposed to be single. "There are, in fact, many adults who prefer living la vida solo, but they know this about themselves, and are quite content with their circumstances," she says. "Psychologist Bella DePaulo researches and writes for this demographic. These individuals haven't 'given up' on finding someone — they truly prefer the single life."
If you're itchy for a partner, then you're probably not meant to be single,psychologist, author and speaker Karin Anderson Abrell, But if this is not you — if you are, in fact, happiest solo — then perhaps you are supposed to be single. "There are, in fact, many adults who prefer living la vida solo, but they know this about themselves, and are quite content with their circumstances," she says. "Psychologist Bella DePaulo researches and writes for this demographic. These individuals haven't 'given up' on finding someone — they truly prefer the single life."
So how do you know for sure that you're in this boat? "You know that you're 'meant to be' single if you're comfortable, content, and don't long for a spouse," she says. Simple as that. "If it's in your nature to enjoy independent time and you prefer making decisions on your own and you'd rather not spend the holidays at your in-laws, then you're probably a good candidate for living single."
You always feel tied down in a relationship
"Some people simply know they want to stay single," New York–based relationship expert and author April Masini. "They enjoy the freedom, and they don’t have any anxiety about missing out on being part of a couple," she says. "If you’re single, happy and have no regrets, it was meant to be."
As other experts say, it really is this straightforward. "A desire not to be coupled, and to be free, is an indication that someone would do best single," Masini says. "If you have trouble maintaining relationships because you feel stifled or tied down, over and over again, it is an indication you may not be suited for a coupled relationship." If so, just enjoy. There's no reason to force yourself into doing something you're just not that into.
You are happiest alone
"When a person is content in their own self, they have confidence in themselves to live how they want," relationship coach Melinda C. "They do not have to concern themselves with the impossible task of making someone happy, or to live under someone else's thumb." Instead, you're living life exactly as you please, and don't give two hoots about what someone else might want or think. "Being content with their life and living it their way is a joy seldom found by most people," Carver points out. If this is you, yay! Don't worry about expectations.
"When a person is content in their own self, they have confidence in themselves to live how they want," relationship coach Melinda C. "They do not have to concern themselves with the impossible task of making someone happy, or to live under someone else's thumb." Instead, you're living life exactly as you please, and don't give two hoots about what someone else might want or think. "Being content with their life and living it their way is a joy seldom found by most people," Carver points out. If this is you, yay! Don't worry about expectations.
Your life ambition is more important than being in a relationship
"It’s not common for me to come across those who say they are meant to be single, but when I have, they share certain traits: highly ambitious, goal-oriented and nomadic at heart," Cecil Carter, CEO of dating app Lov, tells Bustle. "Their biggest concern when it comes to relationships is someone holding them back in some aspect of their lives," he says. "If someone wants to know if they are meant to be single, they would need to regularly envision themselves in the future," he advises. "If they see themselves being single and focusing outside of relationships, perpetual singularity might be for them." This is a real thing, and it is totally acceptable.
You enjoy your own company and independent lifestyle
"If you enjoy living alone and spending time by yourself, you would prefer not to have to negotiate for what you want with a partner, or your real love is your career, then perhaps you are better off being single," Tina B. Tessina, aka Dr. Romance, psychotherapist and author of Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences , "Whether being single is positive or negative depends on the personality," she says. If you love flying under the radar, doing your own thang, then you're well-suited for this lifestyle. "A person who enjoys solitude will do well," she says. "So will an assertive social person who can initiate the contact he or she needs and maintain social connections. "A depressed, shy, passive person, or someone with low self-esteem can get into trouble," she says.
So if you're single and loving it, that rules — but be sure to have a good network in place, she says. "If a person has a social circle and is active, being single is not a problem; in fact, it can be healthier than living with someone in a dysfunctional relationship," she says. "An active person's alone time is cherished and feels basically good." This only works, though, if you have non-alone time too. "A person who is isolated can withdraw into depression, paranoia and bad habits," she says. "An isolated person has no reality check in the feedback of friends and family." As long as this doesn't include you, enjoy your single life!
Losing the desire to be in a relationship
"You are meant to stay single when you lose the desire to be in a relationship,"relationship coach and transformational speaker Sherica Matthews. "As humans, we have been designed for relationships — whether friends, co-workers, children, neighbors, etc." But guess what? No one ever said that you have to be in love with someone. "It is not necessary that we all have romantic relationships," she says. "There are few people in this world who have no desire to be in romantic relationships or to experience sexual intimacy. If you fit into this category, then you were meant to stay single."
"You are meant to stay single when you lose the desire to be in a relationship,"relationship coach and transformational speaker Sherica Matthews. "As humans, we have been designed for relationships — whether friends, co-workers, children, neighbors, etc." But guess what? No one ever said that you have to be in love with someone. "It is not necessary that we all have romantic relationships," she says. "There are few people in this world who have no desire to be in romantic relationships or to experience sexual intimacy. If you fit into this category, then you were meant to stay single."
This doesn't fit everyone to a T, but if it works for you, that's wonderful. "If you have found complete happiness and fulfillment spreading your love to the world without the desire of a relationship, then you know that you are meant to stay single," she says. "At the end of the day, you are the only one who can live your life," Matthews says. "Don't let the pressures of society or friends tell you that you must be in a relationship, that you must be married. Do what's best for your soul and helps you sleep at night." If you're happy, don't knock it.
Searching for most compatible a perfect relationship
Most people know there’s no such thing as perfection. Despite this, there are still some who will stop at nothing in their search for Mr. or Mrs. Right. If you’re self-aware enough to admit you’re looking for perfection, yet you know deep down you’ll never find it, you’ve already acknowledged you’re meant to be single. As long as you’re completely fine with the reality that no one will ever live up to your idea of perfection, you’ll be more than content without a significant other by your side.
Searching for most compatible a perfect relationship
Most people know there’s no such thing as perfection. Despite this, there are still some who will stop at nothing in their search for Mr. or Mrs. Right. If you’re self-aware enough to admit you’re looking for perfection, yet you know deep down you’ll never find it, you’ve already acknowledged you’re meant to be single. As long as you’re completely fine with the reality that no one will ever live up to your idea of perfection, you’ll be more than content without a significant other by your side.
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