Infatuation is commonly associated with the “love at first sight” phenomenon. It can happen extremely quickly and even without your ever talking to that person! You’ll feel immense feelings of attraction to them as soon as you first lay eyes on them.
It can take almost no time at all for you to convince yourself and others that you’re completely in love with this person about whom you barely know anything. It’s fast and overwhelming.
Sign 1: You’ve Only Know Each Other For A Short Time
If one of you has already said the “L” word and you have only known each other for a few days, please reconsider. I have friends who met someone and only one week later started talking marriage. A month or two later, the couple couldn't stand each other. Love may begin with infatuation, but true love does not come instantaneously. Love takes time to develop.
I have also known some certain people who have said they were in love after a few days. But, a few months later, they realized that they hated everything about the person, which showed that when they claimed it was love, they hadn’t taken enough time to really get to know the person enough to really love them.
If you’ve only known the person for a short time, then it is infatuation vs love. Love takes a while to develop. It takes intimacy, which requires a connection or attachment to someone. Love is about being familiar with someone, where a bond has been developed. You may feel attached to them, but if you have not taken the time to develop an intimate connection, then that attachment is coming from being infatuated, not real love.
Sign 2: You think you know everything about them
Does life just feel like paradise? Do you feel like you can give everything up just for this person? Infatuation causes us to foolishly abandon our normal day-to-day lives and throw away everything we love away just for one person. However, when you are in love with someone, you become a greater individual. You work harder and you strengthen every relationship in your life rather than neglecting them. You focus on becoming a better person for yourself, and for the one you love.
Sign 5:You feel insecure
When you see them, you go insane. It’s like cupid hit you with two arrows packed with some feel-good drug, because you can’t help but feel all giddy and elated. Even when you simply see them from afar, you’re swooning like you’re going to have a heart attack. And when they approach you, even just to say hello, the hit is so strong that you almost feel as if you’ve died and gone to heaven.
If they forget to call, you wonder if you did something wrong and if it will affect your relationship negatively. If they are not looking at you the way they normally do, you question if they are going to leave you forever. These intense feelings can make you think you love them so much you don’t want to lose them, but really you are just being insecure and infatuated. You are not confident in how they feel about you. Love is confident. You don’t panic at the first sign of a frown or forgotten phone call, because you know that you have a bond that isn’t going to break so easily.
14 differences between infatuation and love
If your friends are telling you that you’re acting completely insane over this person, it’s probably infatuation.
It can take almost no time at all for you to convince yourself and others that you’re completely in love with this person about whom you barely know anything. It’s fast and overwhelming.
Sign 1: You’ve Only Know Each Other For A Short Time
If one of you has already said the “L” word and you have only known each other for a few days, please reconsider. I have friends who met someone and only one week later started talking marriage. A month or two later, the couple couldn't stand each other. Love may begin with infatuation, but true love does not come instantaneously. Love takes time to develop.
I have also known some certain people who have said they were in love after a few days. But, a few months later, they realized that they hated everything about the person, which showed that when they claimed it was love, they hadn’t taken enough time to really get to know the person enough to really love them.
If you’ve only known the person for a short time, then it is infatuation vs love. Love takes a while to develop. It takes intimacy, which requires a connection or attachment to someone. Love is about being familiar with someone, where a bond has been developed. You may feel attached to them, but if you have not taken the time to develop an intimate connection, then that attachment is coming from being infatuated, not real love.
Sign 2: You think you know everything about them
When you think you know everything about this person, do you find yourself surprised by things they do or say? If this sounds familiar, it's infatuation. I cannot fully express how many times I have watched my friends fall for their “perfect” person, only to find out dark truths as time went on. Some "princes" were lazy, some lacked ambition and purpose, and others just didn’t care about anything but themselves. Don't let infatuation cloud your judgement and keep you from finding true love.
Sign 3: They are “perfect” in your eyes
Infatuation lets you think you've found the perfect person. All you can see are triumphs and talents; you are blind to any weakness or flaw. On the other hand, love lets you see their weaknesses and their strengths. You know exactly what makes them who they are, and despite their imperfections, you adore them anyway.
Sing 4: You are on cloud nine your fantasy paradise Does life just feel like paradise? Do you feel like you can give everything up just for this person? Infatuation causes us to foolishly abandon our normal day-to-day lives and throw away everything we love away just for one person. However, when you are in love with someone, you become a greater individual. You work harder and you strengthen every relationship in your life rather than neglecting them. You focus on becoming a better person for yourself, and for the one you love.
Sign 5:You feel insecure
Do you find yourself becoming incredibly jealous when your darling talks to someone of the opposite sex? Do you panic when they don’t call you the second they get home from work? Are you terrified that they are going to bail on you at any moment? Insecurity is common in a relationship based on infatuation. Love is different. When it's love, you know you are on their mind even though they haven’t been able to send a text all day.
Sign 6: You are exhausted all the time
Are you tired and exhausted for no reason? Do you feel a heavy burden of worry and doubt on your shoulders? Being infatuated is all-consuming. If you find yourself doubting their feelings for you or you often shed tears because of the stress the relationship is placing on you, it's not love. Love is energizing, not exhausting. Being in love makes you feel secure; it dispels doubts and worries.
Sign 7: You lose focus most of the time.
You’re doing one thing, but your mind is wandering off to thoughts about your crush. Whether you’re at work, in school, doing chores, or even hanging out with other people, you can’t seem to perform at your once-optimum level because your focus is not on what’s in front of you. Instead, you’re constantly letting your thoughts of that special someone totally consume your focus and drive.
Sign 8: You keep talking about them.
Since everything reminds you of this person, naturally, you can’t stop talking about them. A friend asks you how you are, and you just find a way to link your new bae into that answer. If your friends are understanding, they will let you gush over your crush non-stop but normally, people will see you as weird and annoying
Sign 9: You are in love with superficial things.
I hear a lot of people say that they love the way someone looks or walks or talks or laughs, and claim that they fell in love with someone just by watching them. That’s impossible! You don’t connect to the superficial things in a person, you connect to the internal things, such as how they feel, what they believe, what their hopes and dreams are, and how they treat other people. If you love the way they sing or look, then that’s infatuation. If you know them on a deep and personal level, and appreciate those things, then that is love.
But if to you, your crush’s eyes are suddenly the brightest, warmest, most beautiful sight you are infatuated. You can’t get enough of how their hands look and feel, and in fact, even a whiff of his cologne or her perfume from miles away can make your heart do somersaults. It’s like everything about this person is perfect.
Sign 10: You want to do things quickly.
Infatuation is all about making things happen now. You want them to love you and commit to you and be your one and only because you are scared that you are going to lose them if you don’t. But love doesn’t work that way. Love takes time to build, and if you are in love with someone, you enjoy the process of getting to know them and building your relationship with them one step at a time.
Sign 11: You get too excited when you see them.
When you see them, you go insane. It’s like cupid hit you with two arrows packed with some feel-good drug, because you can’t help but feel all giddy and elated. Even when you simply see them from afar, you’re swooning like you’re going to have a heart attack. And when they approach you, even just to say hello, the hit is so strong that you almost feel as if you’ve died and gone to heaven.
Sign 12: You drop everything for them.
When you’re infatuated, you’re willing to drop everything at the beck and call of your crush or object of infatuation. You’re struggling to finish some work, but one phone call from them and you are suddenly out the door, not caring if your boss will fire you the next day because you put your work on hold.
Sign 13: You are extremely defensive whenever someone warns you about that person.
The person might have a really crooked history but you don’t want to hear about it. To you they are perfect. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is seen as jealous. This is until the truth finally hits you
Sign 14: You keep worrying about them leaving you.
If they forget to call, you wonder if you did something wrong and if it will affect your relationship negatively. If they are not looking at you the way they normally do, you question if they are going to leave you forever. These intense feelings can make you think you love them so much you don’t want to lose them, but really you are just being insecure and infatuated. You are not confident in how they feel about you. Love is confident. You don’t panic at the first sign of a frown or forgotten phone call, because you know that you have a bond that isn’t going to break so easily.
Sign 15: Number-one follower.
In this age of social media, it’s so easy to stalk your object of infatuation. You follow them on all their social media accounts, “like” all their posts, and even drop in some eager comments every now and then just so they won’t notice how much you’re into them. Not only that, but you’ll also spend hours each day just going over all of their posts and photos again and again. That’s infatuation.
14 differences between infatuation and love
#1 Infatuation happens quickly.
Infatuation is commonly associated with the “love at first sight” phenomenon. It can happen extremely quickly and even without your ever talking to that person! You’ll feel immense feelings of attraction to them as soon as you first lay eyes on them.
It can take almost no time at all for you to convince yourself and others that you’re completely in love with this person about whom you barely know anything. It’s fast and overwhelming.
#2 Love is a slow process.
The funny thing about the two is that they can be related. You can at first *and this is pretty common* be completely infatuated with the person with whom you later will fall in love. But the key is that love comes much later.
The funny thing about the two is that they can be related. You can at first *and this is pretty common* be completely infatuated with the person with whom you later will fall in love. But the key is that love comes much later.
If you truly are in love with someone, it takes a lot of time to develop those feelings because you need time to really get to know his or her real personality. You can’t love someone you don’t know anything about, despite what Disney movies may say.
#3 Infatuation is only superficial affection.
Since it comes on so quickly and can happen even when you’ve never met a person, the feelings you initially have for them are only on the surface. This means that you’re basing your feelings purely off of what the person looks like.
Since it comes on so quickly and can happen even when you’ve never met a person, the feelings you initially have for them are only on the surface. This means that you’re basing your feelings purely off of what the person looks like.
#4 Love is a “deeper” connection with someone.
Love happens when you truly know someone inside and out and care about them for more than what they look like. It’s a connection on a personal level, not on a sexual level.
Love happens when you truly know someone inside and out and care about them for more than what they look like. It’s a connection on a personal level, not on a sexual level.
#5 Infatuation is associated with anxiety *the good kind*.
That head-spinning, heart-thumping, butterfly-inducing feeling you get when you see your crush is what I mean when I say “anxiety.” Infatuation causes your vitals to spike, in a way, because of the excitement you feel when you’re about to see your new person of interest.
That head-spinning, heart-thumping, butterfly-inducing feeling you get when you see your crush is what I mean when I say “anxiety.” Infatuation causes your vitals to spike, in a way, because of the excitement you feel when you’re about to see your new person of interest.
#6 Love is associated with comfort.
Love, on the other hand, is calming. It makes you feel complete and not on edge. I’m not saying that love doesn’t cause excitement, because it does. But it doesn’t cause the level of anxiety that infatuation does. Love makes you feel peaceful and whole.
Love, on the other hand, is calming. It makes you feel complete and not on edge. I’m not saying that love doesn’t cause excitement, because it does. But it doesn’t cause the level of anxiety that infatuation does. Love makes you feel peaceful and whole.
#7 Infatuation causes you to act differently than you normally would.
The anxiety, excitement, and intense feelings you have for that person will cause you to act weird. You’ll be doing things you normally wouldn’t be doing, like going out on a Wednesday night just to see them, and you might say things you wouldn’t normally say, too.
The anxiety, excitement, and intense feelings you have for that person will cause you to act weird. You’ll be doing things you normally wouldn’t be doing, like going out on a Wednesday night just to see them, and you might say things you wouldn’t normally say, too.
If your friends are telling you that you’re acting completely insane over this person, it’s probably infatuation.
#8 Love allows you to be 100% your true self.
When you’re really in love, you don’t feel the need to be anybody but yourself. You don’t fake anything with the person with whom you’re in love because you know they love and accept you as yourself.
When you’re really in love, you don’t feel the need to be anybody but yourself. You don’t fake anything with the person with whom you’re in love because you know they love and accept you as yourself.
#9 Infatuation makes you want to satisfy the other person.
Sure, you also want to please the person you’re in love with. But infatuation takes it a step further, making it almost as if you HAVE to please that person.
Sure, you also want to please the person you’re in love with. But infatuation takes it a step further, making it almost as if you HAVE to please that person.
This goes along with not being yourself. You might shut out your friends and family in order to be available for this person.
#10 Love makes you want to make the other person happy.
Pleasing someone and wanting happiness for someone are two completely different things. Love causes you to think more about your partner’s happiness than your own.
Pleasing someone and wanting happiness for someone are two completely different things. Love causes you to think more about your partner’s happiness than your own.
You want them to be happy in life, but at the same time, your being in their life makes them happy. They don’t want you to buy them things or anything like that. All they need is you and your kindness towards them.
#11 Infatuation means that there’s a “you” and a “them.”
Infatuation causes you to separate the two of you because “THEY are so perfect.” You take the emphasis off of the two of you being a pair and put it solely on them.
#11 Infatuation means that there’s a “you” and a “them.”
Infatuation causes you to separate the two of you because “THEY are so perfect.” You take the emphasis off of the two of you being a pair and put it solely on them.
#12 Love means there’s an “us.”
When you’re in love with someone, it’s like you are one unit. There’s no separation between the two. When you speak, you use pronouns like “us” and “we.” You are together as equals.
When you’re in love with someone, it’s like you are one unit. There’s no separation between the two. When you speak, you use pronouns like “us” and “we.” You are together as equals.
#13 Infatuation is short-lived.
Infatuation is like a plane flying overhead. It grabs your attention, makes you look in a different direction for some time, but then eventually passes by and you finally realize that you’ve just wasted time on something that wasn’t even remotely important.
Infatuation is like a plane flying overhead. It grabs your attention, makes you look in a different direction for some time, but then eventually passes by and you finally realize that you’ve just wasted time on something that wasn’t even remotely important.
The good news is that you’ll get over the people you’re infatuated with fairly quickly because there’s no deep connection involved. They come, they go, and you go on to live your life and accept them as just a memory.
#14 Love is everlasting.
Hopefully, anyways. Sometimes, it doesn’t always work out that way and it is possible to fall out of love with someone. However, if you’re truly falling in love with someone, it won’t drift away overnight.
Hopefully, anyways. Sometimes, it doesn’t always work out that way and it is possible to fall out of love with someone. However, if you’re truly falling in love with someone, it won’t drift away overnight.
The feelings you have for this person will remain deep-seated for a long time during the relationship, and even after the relationship if things ended. You’ll always remember your feelings for that person, and they’ll always be within you. It doesn’t just pass by.
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