
Friday, 1 January 2021

6 Rules You Shouldn't Break As A Guy No Matter How Much You Like A Girl

There are some things you shouldn't be seen doing as a guy. If you want to be respected as a gentleman, and you want to protect your self-respect and dignity, there are some rules when it comes to social relationships that you should not break, no matter how much you like a girl.

Girls like guys that have self-respect, and that explains why you should never break these six rules, no matter how pretty a girl is, or how much you like her.


1. If You text a girl on social media and she doesn't respond, don't text her again

This is the first rule when it comes to social relationship. You don't want to appear as being thirsty or over-demanding, you have to remain classy even when you're texting a girl for the first time, which explains why you shouldn't text her multiple times if she doesn't reply the first text.


2. When a girl accepts your friend request on a social media platform, don't go into her dm and start typing, "Thanks for accepting my request" or "Thanks for following me back", if you do so, you'll make her feel too important, and she'll start seeing you as being immature.

3. Before you enter a girl's dm, make sure she's the one that asked you to. 

Don't just enter a girl's dm without seeking her consent, she might not respond to you if you don't seek her consent first. And since you want to appear as being classy and cool, you need to seek her consent first, before texting her for the first time.


4. When chatting with a girl online, don't bote her with too many questions

You don't want your conversation to turn into an interview, so when chatting with a girl, make sure you don't ask too many questions. And if you'll be asking any question at all, make sure they are not dead-end questions, that is, yes or no questions.

5. Don't be all over a girl's social media pages

Just like I said earlier, you don't want to appear as being thirsty or over-demanding, so you shouldn't be all over a girl's social media pages, liking her pictures and commenting on all her posts. You should never do that, no matter how much you like the girl.

6. Don't always be the first to initiate the chats

You need to know if she's interested in having a conversation with you, and the only way you can get to know is to wait for her sometimes, and let her initiate the conversation.

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