
Sunday, 4 March 2018

Ladies the reason why he stopped calling you

When love blossom the charming guy picks up interest in you, starts texting and calling like his very breath depends on it, and it seems like he’s the real deal…but then, all of a sudden, he stops giving you all that attention and care.

And you can’t seem to fathom where it all went wrong.

The truth about attraction is that it comes when it will, but will leave exactly the same way if it isn’t allowed to blossom. 

If someone picks up interest in you and your actions suggest to them that you’re not as into them as they’re into you, it won’t be long until it all begins to fade away. 

Most times, the attraction is even mutual, but somehow, you still send the wrong signal via your actions. 

Sometimes, you can even scare a man away if you go about getting attracted to him the wrong way. Not a lot of women understand this, but hopefully, that will change after you read this.

So, ladies, if he suddenly stopped showing interest in you, the following is the reason:


Being hard and independent can sometimes be a turn off to men. How can he fit in when you're always too busy and too hard to accept love, kindness and adoration? If you feel your hard side is letting you down, maybe it's time to lighten up and let him in.


Men are human, and can be careless sometimes.

Maybe the true reason he has not called you back is the fact that he has simply lost or forgotten your number.

It happens.


There is nothing wrong with playing ‘hard to get’, but it should be done with some moderation. 

You cannot continually ignore the texts a man sends you, and then expect him to keep up the act, he’ll get tired and stop because the message he gets from you is that you do not feel the same way about him as he feels for you.

A lot of women are guilty of this behaviour and it has cost them possible relationships. When someone texts you, the right thing to do is reply them warmly.

Doing that wouldn’t change anything about you or reduce your value. The reason most women tend to not reply texts from men, even when they like them is because they do not want to seem ‘cheap’, but it is a totally bad move.

If you do not reply his messages well, how would he think you feel about him? The same goes for his calls; sometimes, you find that the man calls repeatedly, but the woman rarely picks up. You’ll only end up killing his motivation if you give him that sort of treatment.

Some other things that women do are waiting for the man to text and call them every time. He is human too, and he has feelings. Sometimes, you can check up on him as well, especially if you like him too. There is nothing wrong with that.


Understand that sometimes men disappear because of their own stuff. Maybe he just out of a relationship with his ex and is getting back on his feet or love burned him in the past and he can’t face another relationship with anyone right now.

In his last relationship, maybe his wife or partner was controlling and now he just wants to enjoy his freedom. This is the most dangerous guy to lurk with as he can come across as the good guy with potential, but here's the thing. He's not in the right space to give you what you need, and you must let him go if he's not stepping up as the boyfriend you need.


 Yes, your date sees some familiar qualities about you and maybe his ex or his mom or his high school girlfriend who broke his heart. Once he notices the connection, he just can’t take it and so decides to move on. 

There is nothing you can do about this. It’s just the way it is and shows you that you were not meant to be as a couple.


This is a bit like the baby ticking time bomb and just as lethal. If a man hears about what sort of flowers you want at your wedding day or who might get an invitation before he’s emotionally invested, he’ll run for cover. 

Avoid this one like the plague, and save the wedding conversations for a later date because if he's a commitment-phobe, this is sure to get rid of him.


There is nothing more disappointing to a man than for him to invest his time, money and efforts in a woman, believing that she likes him back, only to eventually realize that it was all for nothing. 

There are lots of women who have one or two men asking them out, that they actually do not really have feelings for, but Instead of them to come clean and tell these guys how they truly feel about their proposal, they pretend like the feeling is mutual, and string the men along, either because of the money and gifts they hope to get out of them or just for the thrill of having multiple men asking them out. 

This is bad, and has also led to the sad end of a lot of relationships. How do you suppose a man would react if he found out you were using him all along? You definitely wouldn’t hear from him again.


Men want a woman who makes him feel good about himself. He wants a woman who brings out the best version of him. If you do the opposite, then you're heading in the wrong direction.

Men like to feel like the man in the relationship. They need to feel needed. They need to feel wanted and desired by you. So pay attention to how you treat or act around him. Is your attitude and behavior making him feel good? 

Men like to do nice things for you, so let him, even if you feel like you could do it all by yourself. It's food for the soul to a man when he can provide, protect and take care of you.


This is an important one. Just because men are less forward in expressing their emotions than women, it doesn't mean their feelings can't get hurt as easily.

Try to avoid making personal, unfavorable comments about what your date is wearing, his haircut or his chosen lifestyle.

Lets face it: That would be rude, and you are a lady.


So he’s cute, asked for your number, called you a couple of times, and the next thing, you start flooding his phone with calls and messages? 

You need to calm down. I know I said it’s good to text and call him, but not excessively. Nobody likes it when people are all up in their space like that, and it could scare him away if you rush things.

Take things easy, and allow things play out slowly. Text and call him on occasions, but be sure to answer his calls and reply his texts warmly. Only befriend him on various social media platforms with his express permission.

Don’t stalk him, don’t appear too desperate, as that could send him the wrong signal, and scare him away.


It happens sometimes, your guy meets another woman who seems so right. No matter how good what you currently have feels, that next moment he is captivated by another. 

The truth is, it could happen to anyone and there’s not much you can do, particularly if you weren’t exclusive yet. Unfortunately, this isn’t an every day occurrence. 

So if it comes up, to understand men, recognize that the right man for you would not be tempted.


It's hard to tell someone at the end of a nice evening that you enjoyed his or her company, but you don't feel a romantic connection.

So you exchange numbers with no intention of making contact again because you feel it's easier than being totally honest.

You don't really want to hurt that person's feelings.

While it would be nice to just say, "I have enjoyed your company, but don't think I want to take it any further," we often don't.

Sometimes, men will spend time with a woman with no real intention of ever having a long term relationship with her. In those cases, when your time is up, it’s up. 

The relationship was never going anywhere anyway, and you’re better off without him. Sometimes it’s not because of how you are, what you said or what you did. It’s just where his head is at — or is NOT at, more importantly.


One of the biggest mistakes most women make is to tag multiple friends along to their dates — it is very bad, and a display of poor manners. When a man asks you out on a date, he expects you to be there alone, not in the company of your friends.

No classy woman does that sort of a thing, and that is why a man would be disappointed if he were to get it from a woman he admires. A date is supposed to be about just 2 people; it is not a hangout where multiple people are allowed, but if you have to bring someone else into the mix, it is only courteous that you seek his approval first, and see how he feels about it, anything other than that is rude, and can discourage a man from pursuing his interest in you.

Another way some women display poor manners is in the way they talk. The acquaintance stage of a relationship is very fragile, and so people must be wary of the things they say, and the way they communicate, one wrong word, and you could ruin something good and promising.


Maybe he felt you came across a little needy or too eager for him.

Maybe he just didn't like your conversation, or maybe he thought you didn't like his or the chemistry is not really connecting. 

He observed certain qualities he disliked in previous relationship. Sometimes when ladies act too 

And those were some of the things women do that put men off. 


Men love women because of what women can offer that a man does not possess himself. Women who play games, act like they don’t need him or have the "I can do it myself" mentally can come across masculine in their behavior. Acting this way is unattractive to men and will plummet his attraction to you to below zero

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