
Sunday, 4 March 2018

Ladies reasons why you get dumped In Heart break thrash

There are various reasons why some ladies or women get dumped by the person they share inner part of their heart with which can be unfortunately painful and disheartening.  

Going through a breakup is really, really difficult, however, if you take a look at some of the reasons to get dumped, you might actually be able to prevent getting dumped. Here are some of the reasons most ladies or women get dumped in relationships. 

Since they are in a relationship, they assume they own the man. They want him to own them in turn. They are livid if the man doesn't call them or takes long to pick their call. They receive calls immediately.

They have never been found doing something when the man called. In short,these women show a man that they are willing to step on hot nails and run over a salty surface to be with them. Guess what?Men hate desperate women who act like the world will come to an end if they are not with them.

Notice the keyword there, ‘chronic’? No man would dump you because you told him a lie just once, heck, we all are guilty of lying at one point of our lives or another.
However, everything has its limits; even lying. When you make lying your habit, that is when danger looms. I mean, you can be excused for lying once probably because you had to, but when it happens more often, there can’t be any reasonable excuse.
Your man begins to see you as an untrustworthy person, and as someone who doesn’t care enough for him to at least be honest with him.

 For this, he can grow tired of the relationship, and suddenly begin to lose all the affection he once had for you, and believe me, if he finds a more honest woman, he’ll quickly jump ship!

If you are in a relationship this week and you give in before or on the 90th day (ask Steve Harvey ), he will dump you .Of course, those who gave it sooner and were dumped will cry foul and argue endlessly.

Men don't take the women who give into sex easily seriously. Again, it's very naive to give into sex before you are certain of what you will get in the relationship.

When as a woman, all you do is ask your man for money for everything always (not talking about married people), and not encourage him to save and invest, you give the impression that you do not care about his wellbeing, but instead, you’re only in his life to milk him dry.

No man wants a woman like this in his life; certainly not for the long term. If he realizes you’re going to be a parasite on his finances, chances are he’ll quit the relationship.

Guys really love their girls behaving in feminine modesty, no matter what. Every guy wants his girl to flirt with he alone.

How can you not know how to sit properly, talk properly, act properly and want him to introduce you yo his friends? Don't you think he would seek that better person to you?

We don't have to go every single place that you go, and we don't expect you to go everywhere with us. That's what makes our time together special. We each had our own likes and dislikes before we met.

You did things alone or with your girls, and that's fine. Don't try to drag your man with you if it's going to be nothing but you and the girls talking. We don't want to sit and listen to talk about hair, nails, fashion, who's man is cheating on who, etc. Just shoot us first, if that's the case.

To be taken seriously,you need to be scarce. If you are always available for dinner dates,road trips and all,he will get bored.
He will be thinking about that woman who replies to his messages after weeks and rarely returns his calls.

He will always show up for dates with her,give her flowers and show up at her door and not yours.

It might seem innocent to mention that your guy is bad at poker, football, or any sporting activities or that he doesn't clean, his room is often unkempt, but truth be told, nitpicking can actually lead to hurt feelings.

It can also lead to a relationship that falls apart pretty easily.
Some nitpicking is fine, but make sure that you don't take it overboard!

Pride and arrogance isn’t good for a marriage or relationship. Men naturally like to be in charge; we like to be the authority in our relationships, so the moment we see a woman trying to threaten that supposed order of things, we react drastically.

No man wants to be in a relationship with a woman who doesn’t listen when he talks, or disrespect him in any way, no! As much as we love absolutely respect you, you must accord us our deserved respect.

Which guy loves to see another guy hold his girlfriend on the waist and somebody starts calling it 'being social?' Which guy loves to see his girl with many guys all in the name of socializing? Most girls tend to overlook minor criteria that most guys take into account. You may complain and her next response is 'you are jealous.' If care is not taken you might be thrown into past relationship.

As mentioned earlier,a girlfriend needs to be respectful and not a nag. She also needs to be assertive. You need to know what you want always and how best to get it. Most girlfriends are docile and worship men who can't marry them or treat them well.

If you desire a family man or a man who has christian values,you have no business with unsaved men. You shouldn't suffer for men who don't meet your ideals.

It is typically normal for most people to be all sweet and romantic before they get into a relationship with you, and in the early months of the relationship, and then, as time goes on they go from romantic to unromantic.

 No more ‘I love you’, sweet texts, notes, etc. Some even stop looking as good as they once did. You’ll agree with me that this can be disappointing. Most men see this as enough reason to leave a relationship.

When a man says something, give him a chance to speak. Listen to what he says. The problem is that sometimes, guys will end up with someone who makes him feel as though he doesn't know what he's talking about.

 We're not always right, but we do have opinions, and it gets under our skin when we're made to feel like our opinion doesn't matter. Who wants to stay with someone like that?

The first reason to get dumped by your man is because you don't make time for him.

If you are constantly leaving him, constantly not available for plans and constantly ignoring him, it could be one of the reasons that he is going to dump you. Ladies, you've got to pay attention to your man!

If your sense of hygiene is below ‘acceptable’ to any man, there’s no way he’ll stick around for very long. Men care about your general cleanliness; from your mouth to your hair, your clothing, even your privates. You must keep them clean to keep your man, unless you’re dating someone like you.

The relationship is NOT a family affair.
We're not trying to take you away from your family. This is a relationship, not a kidnapping. However, if we're mature enough to leave home and keep what goes on between us just between us, then is it too much to ask of you to do the same?

If you tell your mom and your sisters about every single argument and disagreement that we have, then don't you think that they're not going to like us very much? Then you'll wonder why we don't like going around them, right?

Some people go into a relationship in need of motivation, inspiration, and support; unless you’re able to offer them that, they may grow uninterested in you. And again, some women are just depressing. Rather than support their partner, and encourage him to pursue his dreams and aspirations, they discourage him, and make him seem inadequate. No man wants to be around you if you’re like this.

Harsh as those reasons may have sounded, they’re real, and have cost many women their relationships. If you’ve found yourself defaulting in any of the above ways, it’s time to be better!

We understand the need for female friendship. We can go with the girls' night out deal. But when you start letting your single girlfriends (who constantly run guys off or haven't dated since antenna TV) get into the business of your relationship, that's asking for trouble.

You want to think that your man has a mind of his own when he's out with the guys, right? We're no different. We
expect you to talk to your girlfriends, even if it's about us. Just be careful what you decide to bring back from those conversations.

Now, in this case, it isn't always one of the reasons to get dumped. In fact, in a lot of cases, thec ouple works it out, but in a lot of cases, they don't. Just remember, if you cheat on your guy, he's going to be hurt by it and most likely, he will find out eventually.
Bad record is not out of it either.

 If you have bad records of sleeping with guys,  forget it, he will only come to take part of the national cake use you and dump you like others guys did.

He will only pretend to love you after getting tired of your national cake you get love toss into waste bin of heart break and EX.

So showing your skills in distributing your national cake will get you repeatedly dump by guys immediately they find out.

In most cases you remain single for life or get pregnant prematurely without getting married the proper way making your child fatherless, some ladies go for similar minded guy that indulge in the same act of sleeping around. While some are fortunate and are legally married.

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