Love is a poetic and beautiful mystery in the heart of mankind. Today heartbreak is ever common than centuries ago where love is mostly for mature mind. Love have send several people to early grave especially those who have psychological, physiological and emotional problems have it more than average.
Relationship between suicide and love might carry air of mystery to an extent it is a complex situation in which those who commit suicide have no direct strong control over it not an excuse though it is sometimes an helpless situation they find themselves in, so pathetic and sadden.
The use of gun, rope around the neck,drinking ‘Sniper’ or rat poison or any other deadly substance common to those who commit suicide might be shocking with a lot of insult on them due to their baseless act without having a clue why they acted the way they do. Judging others without getting enough information or fact is not humanly enough.
In the past a lady who was dumped by her boyfriend drank Sniper; a very corrosive insect killer, the latest news about the lady is that she now has a heart problem as result of her act and now the estranged man came to see her in the hospital. Ladies or women are not the only one susceptible to heartbreak related suicide, of recent the police found a man who drank rat poison due to his fiancé dumped him a week before their wedding. A college student also committed suicide when she found out that her boyfriend is dating her best friend the sad story is endless. Which beg the question does it worth it to kill oneself when heartbroken? Does it solve the emotional problem one is going through? Is there a psychological, biological, genetical or neurotic reason behind their act that is unseen by many? Is their act justifiable?
The following are the 10 people who are likely to commit suicide after a painful heartbreak.
IMPULSIVE AGGRESSIVE PERSON - I can't control how I am feeling about you I love you more than my life my dearest love.
An impulsive aggressive person often find it difficult to control their impulsive and violent nature may have biological roots which are seen in people with suicidal tendencies.
Research has found lower than normal levels of a substance associated with the brain chemical serotonin in people with impulsive aggressiveness that are more prone to suicide and also violence. At times it is the hostility against self a meaningless life. They are preoccupied by obsessive thoughts and fantasies especially when they are in love,ending such relationship is doom and gloom to them an unpredictable end if care is thrown to the wind.
Failure in relationship trigger their suicidal tendency if not properly manage they will eventually take their own life due to their inability to deal with heartbreak that comes with emotional turmoil and pain.
Their impulsive nature can force them to take irrational decision to end their own life since they are not thinking clearly and unable to handle the painful rejection in relationship which is an expected outcome between two lovers. Also, they are likely to kill their EX who broke their heart and commit suicide afterward that is when their violent nature kicked in with disastrous consequence.
Is not about how much you can handle before you break, it is about how many you can handle after you break that's STRENGTH.
DEPRESSION AND BIPOLAR INDIVIDUALS - my love you are my breathe, my all without you my world is gloom and doom.
Those who are prone to depression or suffering from bipolar disorder when they are heartbroken their conditions worsen with time with painful symptoms which can drive them to consider suicide.
"Depression is the leading illness for suicide, so the deeper the depression gets or the longer it goes on, the more discouraged the person experiencing it feels," says Dr.
Paula Clayton, the medical director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. In bipolar disorder - a condition in which bouts of depression are interspersed with periods of mania - suicide risk may be higher when the person is depressed.
Suicidal people often have poor social integration and social bonds. One study found that depressed people make little eye contact when they’re speaking with others and don’t engage in much nonverbal communication, which accounts for 90% of our interactions with others. Head-nodding, or affirming what someone else is saying is a common way to strengthen communication and social bonding. As a result of their poor social integration immediately they bond with love of their life to let go becomes handcuff in heart their lover is their breath without them is synonymous to death.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.
FAMILY HISTORY - all I ever wanted is you without you I will cease to exist my darling.
If you are dating a person who is genetically and biologically predisposed to suicide just know you are in relationship with a living corpse the killer indirectly you murder weapon heartbreak.
Research indicates that suicidal behavior runs in families, suggesting that genetic and biological factors play a role in one’s suicide risk.If you know someone with a family history of suicidal tendencies, giving out signs of desperation, give attention to them immediately. Just as stated earlier if you are in relationship with someone with suicidal trait in their DNA love them deeply remember heartbreak is not an option with people with suicidal family history.
Genetic research has found that some personality traits are partly inherited. Certain genes have been found to be associated with aggression, impulsiveness and negative affectivity, traits that characterize suicidal people so watch out that beautiful caring lady or that handsome lovely, kind guy might be genetically predisposed to suicide if you break their heart you might send them to early grave.
TERMINATION BEHAVIOURS - I can't get myself if you are not with me I am lost in your heart please don't leave me.
Those who are susceptible to terminate behaviour if heartbroken in a relationship they have invested more to they exhibit these obvious behaviours and signs include sudden, dramatic, and unexplained changes in behavior, called “termination behaviours.” These behaviours include an interest in putting personal affairs in order and giving away prized possessions, often accompanied by statements of sadness or despair heartbreak can affect them negative increase their symptoms of sudden change in irrational behaviours, they feel hopeless, worthless, unloved and empty that fertilize their suicidal tendencies which can lead to suicide in an unexpected time. Heartbreak is another madness in disguise to some individuals.
Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser, so thank the past for a better future.
CLICK ME TO Read Why Do We Feel Bad After BreakUp
IMPULSIVITY, SHYNESS - my life is lonely, worthless without you in it being with you is all the joy and fun I needed my golden love.
The risk of suicide may be affected by high impulsivity, shyness, or low “sanguinity,” which is consistent with a general dissatisfaction and a negative view of life experiences which can change from bad to worse for a person with a broken heart. The more they are dissatisfied the higher they view life in negativity, leading to brooding,deep loneliness, risk behaviour, suicide thoughts or suicide as the case may be.
All failed relationships hurt, but losing someone who doesn't appreciate and respect you is actually a gain, not a loss.
FEELING OF GUILT - what have I done wrong I am not myself anymore please forgive me hope I will not lose you my all of me.
After the end of a relationship emotional pain associated with guilty feelings start to build up. Some can't control the level of their guilt, they most likely to be consumed by it. According to Madelyn Gould, PhD, a professor of clinical epidemiology in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York City, says that excessive and inappropriate feelings of guilt - a common symptom of depression and anxiety - are something to be on the lookout for as well. "You start to feel guilty about things - letting people down - and someone else who's listening would say, 'But you're not,'" says Gould. "It's just this very unrealistic guilt." A person with a broken heart with an intense guilt blame themselves for the dissolution of their love affairs. The intensity of their guilt makes them prone to suicide thoughts or behaviour that might jeopardize their lives.
They are likely to commit suicide if it is a multiple reoccurence,thereby destesting their own lives as worthless, not deserving to live or deserve another chance, projecting their past relationship into future as dark-doom concluding no need to be in relationship that will eventually collapse in later time as a result of their own making. Their irrational gloom, doom, melancholic state pop up suicide alert in their heart as the best solution for their predicament and end their lives in such sad manner unexpectedly yet shocking a mystery in the heart of love ones and friends asking the question WHY?
Sometimes you have to forget what is gone, appreciate what still remans and look forward to what is coming next.
PARENTAL INFLUENCE - my world will fall apart without you I will be utterly useless without you by my side my heart beat.
A person in strong bond wonderful aged relationship that have brought delight, fulfilment, pleasure and end suddenly with great shock, sadness loneliness and prone to suicide, who have parents with greater frequency of mental illness and substance abuse than other parents the chance of committing suicide due to heartbreak is very high.
Although, suicide occurs in all types of families, including those with little apparent turmoil. It is not unusual for heartbroken person living in such environment with family history of mental illness to experiment with drugs, alcohol, smoking and substance abuse on their heavy broken heart with a flood of happy memories of their partner shared together in private social time and subsequent sad outcome that strike the least time expected destroying their rational mind to suicide which is most likely to occur.

You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won't happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, "I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am, I am not going to let this get the best of me. I am moving on with my life".
ANXIETY - my heart beat is not at rest racing so fast where are you my beloved love you are the only one on earth that soothes my heart.
Falling in love is a sweet thing however for those who are easily succumb to anxiety it might be a different form of relationship. They agitate more when in love often time they are emotionally unstable especially if an issue arise between them and their partner.
According Dr. Ken Robbins, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, notes that about half of depressed people have "melancholic depression," and are listless, fatigued, and have a loss of appetite. The other half have "agitated depression." Anxiety is the main symptom, says Dr. Robbins, but these people may also experience restlessness, difficulty sleeping, and trouble focusing. "People who are agitated are more at risk for suicide because anxiety is so uncomfortable," says Dr. Robbins.
The risk of committing suicide will be compounded if they have relationship failure, especially when the love is so strong, deep and memorable,being heartbroken can result to suicide thought and might result to suicide when least expected.
A heart break is not always as loud as a bomb exploding. Sometimes, it could be as quite as a feather falling and the most painful thing is nobody hears it except you.
LACKING LIFE SKILLS - I am lost without you, you are the lost equation that balance my love you are mine forever.
Lacking life skills in relationships is a very big issue it creates tension, frustration and emotional turmoil. Hence, Ability to manage social situation that involves romantic relationship is lacking, one with biological tendencies towards suicide might commit suicide if experience a deep heartbreak.
According Studies consistently show that although suicidal people do not appear to have greater life stress than others, they lack effective strategies to cope with stress. The lack of life skills and dealing with problems can lead to other stressors like broken relationships, failures, loneliness and other causes which may create frustration in them. These combine problems is like a bomb inside the mind with greater effects on emotions that is associated romantic relationship that is a tick suicide clock.
NEUROTICISM - my heart is burning with your love you are the only one who can quench this burning heart of mine I am in darkness without your lovely light of love my all in all forever my life is meaningless without you in my life please don't leave me my dearest darling sweetheart breath.
A neurotic person can easily commit suicide if heartbroken because of their nature is prone to suicidal tendencies and unable to deal with emotional issues effectively.
Neuroticism describes people who tend to quickly and easily experience anger, anxiety, depression, guilt and other negative emotions. These bags of emotional negativity makes them to find it very difficult to deal with heartbreak rationally without contemplating suicide as the solution.
Heartbreak is fuel to Neuroticism, Neuroticism has been consistently linked to thoughts of suicide, attempted suicide and completed suicides. Heartbreak is not an option for a person who is neurotic if heartbroken it raises a red flag of neurotic symptoms a bullet of suicide by their lover unknowingly to them they just kill their lover indirectly with a silent weapon of heartbreak.
Take all the time you need to heal emotionally, moving on doesn't take a day. It takes a lot of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self.
Effective Treatment of Suicide
The World Health Organization has worked with agencies all over the globe to help identify, treat and prevent suicide.
Their research suggests:
1- Reducing availability of suicide methods—guns, drugs and pesticides—seems to help reduce suicide rates.
2- Education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drugs reduces suicide rates.
3- Education, prevention and treatment of depression reduces suicide rates.
4- Crisis management, self-esteem enhancement, teaching coping skills and decision-making helps reduce youth suicides.
5- Media management can reduce the number of copy-cat suicides.
6- Immigrant support can reduce suicide numbers.

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