
Sunday, 4 March 2018

How to identify a cheating girlfriend

Nowadays, people talk about infidelity like it’s not a big deal. But it is a big deal. A relationship should be based on trust, mutual respect, and personal freedom. But if these don’t form the basis of your relationship, then it wasn’t meant to be, in the first place.
Usually when we're in committed relationships it means being honest and open with our partner. Communication is the backbone of a serious relationship and opening up is important.
Trust is a crucial element of a serious relationship and can be broken at any time with just one mistake.
Figuring out if your girlfriend is cheating on you can be an emotional roller coaster. Trying to read signs and analyze everything she does is exhausting. If you notice these signs in your relationship, plan carefully how you confront her. If you are wrong, it may be tricky to win back her trust. Women are often complicated to read and it may be that she is attempting to win attention from you by seemingly cheating. The best way to handle the situation is to look for these signs, go with your instincts and approach the issue as an adult.
1. She Stops Caring
Women are wired to care about the smallest details about their men and relationships. She cares how many times you call and whether you make time for her. She gets angry with you when you forget those important dates in your relationship and will make a big fuss about it. So when your lady stops caring that you didn’t call and when she doesn’t throw a fit that you forgot all your special dates, then you have cause to worry.
2.Conscious Of Her Looks
When your girlfriend’s mode of dressing changes without you implementing this change, it would be better to watch her closely. When she suddenly becomes conscious of her looks and worry about something being out of place in her appearance, she may be trying hard to impress someone else. When she takes extra time dressing up and is always eager to step out alone, it’s likely she’s having an affair.
3.Conscious Of Her Phone
Handling your girlfriend’s phone to her when it rings becomes a crime. She rushes to the phone before you could reach out for it. She takes the phone everywhere with her even in the house. When she can’t keep her hands off her phone and she doesn’t trust you enough to hold it, or walks into the room every time to receive calls, she is definitely cheating.
4.Dwindled communication
When your woman starts to withdraw from you, it is made noticeable through communication. Her enthusiasm is low when it comes to sharing the event of the day with you. She explains it all using words as few as possible. She becomes uninterested in your affairs.
5.She picks and picks at everything you do.
Want to know how to make breaking up with someone a little bit easier? Just tell yourself that you’re in the right. People who are cheating on their partners, or are about to break up with them, will often find the slightest faults in every little thing that the other person says or does. It’s partly guilt, and partly a natural defense mechanism to make themselves feel better for their actions.
6.She’s not sharing with you
Cheating isn’t just restricted to the physical act. Sometimes, forming an intense emotional bond with someone else can be just as dangerous, and ultimately just as heartbreaking. And how do these kinds of bonds form? By opening up to someone else. If she’s not sharing her highs, lows, and in-between with you, trust us – she’s sharing them with someone else. Hopefully for you they’re just a friend.
7.She’s not gazing dreamily into your eyes
The doorway into the soul. As The Eagles knew, if you’re lying, you can’t hide it in your eyes. And it’s true – they really do say a lot more than slippery words ever can. Does she no longer meet yours? When she talks to you, are they smiling, or glazed over? Or are they flitting about the bar, looking for a better match?
8.Her phone’s getting more love than you are.
This is – how do we put it – more of a global problem than one just restricted to cheaters. Everyone these days is ignoring everyone else in order to pretend to talk to everyone else. It’s a strange situation when four people together in a bar are spending their time silently and furiously messaging people who aren’t in the bar, but you’re not alone, buddy. If she’s doing it while you’re trying to have a romantic picnic, it might be time to literally and metaphorically pack things up – whether or not she’s cheating.
9.You’re seeing less and less of her.
Do you remember the time that you didn’t need an appointment to see her? When the two of you could hang out, with no prior planning or need to be anywhere? If it’s still like that, then congratulations – she’s a keeper. But if it’s proving frustratingly hard to find a spare spontaneous second with your lady, then she’s either got a lot on her plate right now, or she’s found another way to spend her quality time.
10.She’s had a big makeover.
If you’ve been dating for a while, it’s understandable that things might get comfortable. Where once she might have worn flashy new clothes and the latest accessories to impress you, now she’s into ratty old pajamas and bed hair. So if she’s suddenly dressing special again, it might not be intended for you. Unfortunately, she’s probably trying to catch someone else’s eye.
11.She’s started to hide her phone.
Not just her phone, either, but her computer and diary too. Often it’s the simplest signs that are the most obvious. Has she changed her passwords recently? Is she quickly closing browser tabs when you enter the room, like a teenager looking up dirty pics? To be fair, she could be in the process of doing some grand and secretive romantic gesture, like buying you that Jaguar you always wanted. On the other hand, she could be having an affair.
12.She doesn’t care anymore.
Men all over the world will complain about their partners and their so-called nagging. At every turn, they feel like she’s making the biggest fusses over the tiniest detail, like being there when your child is born. But look at it the other way. What if she didn’t care at all? When every one of your mistakes doesn’t even raise an eyebrow, maybe it’s trouble. Maybe she’s moved on to something more worthwhile.
13.She no longer wants to see your family and friends.
When a relationship melts down, your family and mutual friends are often caught in the crossfire. Often they have to take sides, or try and console both parties, or are simply witnesses to some uncomfortable secrets. No-one wants to involve the people you love into things like that, so if she’s pulling away from them, it could be a hint that she’s ready to split.
14.She never gets mad anymore.
One of the surest signs that your partner has checked out on the relationship and no longer wants to emotionally invest in it is when they don’t get angry anymore, James noted. “If they suddenly take every setback in stride, it may mean he/she is devoting their emotions to someone else.” And yet, she may simply be happy with her relationship with you. For more insight on whether she may be cheating, think about how she responds emotionally to you in all scenarios — not just the ones when she’d previously get mad. There’s a chance her emotional maturity has evolved.
15.She flirts with your friends or random guys.
In a get together or a party, if your girl flirts a lot with your friends, greets them with unnecessary hugs or touches, or she goes to a pub and flirts with a random stranger, then it is an obvious sign that she is least interested in you and is open for other relationships.
16.She becomes suspicious.
If she picks a fight over your harmless interactions with other female friends or colleagues and has suspicions that you are dating two people at the same time, then it might be a sign that she may even be doing the same thing! As they say, people usually cast suspicions on others when they themselves are doing the same thing. Her jealousy and tantrums could also be due to her possessive nature, but would you take a chance on it after reading this?
17.Her ‘Friends’ Tell You She’s Cheating On You.
So it’s either the friend wants you for herself or feels like you can do better but usually if her friends tell you she’s cheating and can back their story up, look into it bro they’re probably telling you the truth. *Girls aren’t always “One For All. All For One.” NB: Girl Code is nonexistent!! (Most Times) #Cheating!
18.She’s All Of A Sudden More Independent.
If she’s okay with going to a friends party without you all of a sudden, she’s taking someone else bro. You go shopping together always but now she just let’s you know that she’s going and doesn’t ask you to be a part of the experience, someone else is picking that lingerie she’ll be showing you tonight. #Cheating
19.She Always Wants To Know Where You Are.
She always want to know where you are, not because she’s worried about her man but she’s worried about being caught whilst she’s with her other man. She’s only worried about where you are so that your plans of seeing her don’t clash with her plans of cheating on you.#Cheating!…
20.She becomes vague about her whereabouts.
Studies show that it is very common for unfaithful spouses to be very cold about their whereabouts and activities and will make up preposterous excuses to make up for it. If your girlfriend or wife suddenly has difficulty giving an answer about where she was or what she was doing during the day, it may be a sign that she’s seeing someone else.

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